I Like

LeeAnna has asked:

do you like to carve pumpkins? do you have a pic of one you did? Have
you ever been to a display or contest of carved pumpkins?

NO!  I hate carving pumpkins and scooping out the yucky mess inside.  We did it when the kids were little but not any more.  We went to Pumpkin Fest in Port Elgin many years ago.  There likely were some carved pumpkins there.  I don't remember.  What I remember were the massive pumpkins.  Some weighed close to 2000 pounds!  Crazy!

I like having all the colours.  When it comes to art supplies I buy the full range of colours, the biggest set possible.  That probably says more about a major personality flaw than it does about being an artist.  After all, I don't actually like all the colours!  But on that note, I am still working on clearing things out.   It is good stuff, too good to go to the thrift store.  I have been listing things on Marketplace and making some sales.  Yippee, it feels good to get some cash for things I am not using.  Maybe, I will learn to stop buying things I won't use!

I like being creative and spending time with creative people!  My niece and I were messaging each other earlier today.  We were both commenting on how grateful we are that we are creative.  Creativity is a balm for the soul.  


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