I Like

LeeAnna has asked

What was it like being the oldest/youngest/middle/only child of the family?

Families are complicated.  Being the youngest by a wide margin had its good and bad aspects.  My family taught me to be independent, not always a good thing but I do feel like a capable human being and that is something.  I like to spend time with my siblings.  We are rather spread out so that doesn't happen very often.  

I organize a family gathering every Labour Day.  Everyone is welcome but is usually just the Ontario family attends.  Maybe someday the ones in Alberta will be able to join us.  Everyone is welcome and I like seeing all that can come.  I am grateful that so many make the effort and do the long drives.

I like that my granddaughter has started taking dance classes!  Look how cute she looks in her tutu!

I like being the grandmother to girls after raising three sons!  So fun!

I like that our renovation has made substantial progress.  I think I have been incredibly patient!


  1. You are so right - families are complicated! Your granddaughter is a cutie. I hope she's enjoying her dancing!

  2. There is something so adorable about small girls in tutus!
    I know a grandfather who had two sons and was so disappointed when his only grandchild turned out to be a little girl. It did not take long, however, before she had charmed him and could twist him round her little finger


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Princess Bubbles

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