Slow Stitching Sunday

 This mandala is rather different for me.  I used somewhat large beads and buttons.  A kirigami paper piece was sandwiched between Angelina fibres as the start of this one.  It was an experiment that worked out but maybe I should have trimmed off the hairy bits from the outer edge.  It was super easy to stitch through and I may have to try another one.  I believe I will call this one finished.  Unbelievably, I have seven others started right now.  I don't generally have that many on the go so best to get some finished before starting any more.  The ideas just keep coming.  Will I work on a mandala series for the rest of my life?  I think it would be rather easy to do so.  Will I get bored with mandalas?  I am a bit concerned about that but at this point that doesn't seem likely.

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CathieJ said…
Oh wow, I really like this mandala. The circle of leaves is very pretty.
Karrin Hurd said…
Great piece, and great colors! I say do what makes you happy, until it doesn't. Happy Easter!
linda said…
It's lovely, I love mandalas of all types, you can never have enough. Have a great Easter weekend.
That's such a pretty design, Angela! I love the leaves you've added around the edge. I think as long you enjoy this process, and have new ideas for the mandalas, you should keep going!
Kim said…
Oh, I don't think you would ever become bored with mandalas, as each one is so different and creative. Loving this one, but then I love all your mandalas. This one is so colourful and those leaf buttons skipping around the edge are fabulous. So, so pretty.
Queeniepatch said…
I am glad you kept Angelina's hair in place! Doesn't it look like the mandala is oozing out energy? Please make mandalas as long as it is fulfilling.

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