Mandala Beginning

 I cut a circle from an experimental needle felted piece.  I have stitched it to a hand-dyed piece of fabric.  It is rather satisfying to use these pieces created over the years.  I love when things come together.  What is the next step for this mandala?  I am leaning towards just embroidery stitches, no beads for this one.  However, I always let the piece speak to me and tell me what it needs.  It may cry out for beads at some point.  Who knows!  I enjoy the intuitive process in my artmaking.  

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Queeniepatch said…
I love the idea to just start in the middle and add things as it feels right.
Hi Angela, I really love that felted piece. I usually just go with what the piece wants - it's great to just listen and follow directions :-) Take care and have fun!

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