Work in Progress Wednesday

Oh my, but my stitching progress has been slow and plodding. I found these cool turquoise beads while reorganizing my studio and thought they were perfect for this mandala. So many projects have been put on hold while reorganizing my studio. Each change leads to another change. I keep thinking I am in the home stretch and then another idea comes to me. It feels good though. Everything is being cleaned before it gets put back. I am purging things that I haven't looked at for years. A lot will just go to the thrift store but I do have two people in my life that have gotten into stitching. I am ever so happy to pass along some threads and beads to them. The space that has opened up feels great. The room looks a lot tidier. The way I am setting things will I believe will help me to stay tidy as well. Tidiness is not really my strong suit so I need all the help I can get.