
Showing posts from August 10, 2023

I Like

 I like bright, bold and cheerful.  That is often a feature of my art.  What is the story behind that?  Some people say there is always a story behind a piece of art.  I am not sure that is true for me.  I have a strong need to create and doing so makes me happy.  I hope it makes others happy as well.   I like that other artists want to make a statement with their art.  I have thought about making art to call attention to certain things.  I have started on one idea but it isn't anywhere close to ready to be shown.   I like the beautiful weather we have been having this week.  I have been able to do some art outside on my deck.  Always a pleasure! I like that my youngest son and his family have been living with us these last two weeks.  I also like that they will be moving into their new home this weekend.  I like that they have shared in some of the cooking responsibilities!  What a lovely break! I...