
Showing posts from May 16, 2024

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LeeAnna  asks: What lessons from your childhood have most impacted your worldview? What a great question!  I think there are some 'lessons' from childhood that are better discussed with a therapist!  I won't go into my um dysfunction lessons here.  It is enough to say that I am still learning. Childhood can be magical.  I love that Liliana thinks that little umbrella is just the right size for her.  I love her big brother photo bombing too!  I am so grateful to have five beautiful grandchildren now!  I pray they only know unconditional love from me.   Okay, one lesson from childhood.  I am hesitant to call it a lesson though.  I am not sure where I learned it.  I was the kid that was kind and inclusive of the new kid, the weird kid, the disabled kid, etc. I was the kid who stood up for the underdog even when it got me in trouble.  I have always tried to be warm, supportive and welcoming.  I am hoping that doesn't sound like bragging.