I Like

I like dogs! I like having a whole pack of them! I have three guests with me this week. They are all sweet as can be. Two of them are not playful and Banksy will just leave them alone. Scotia, on the left likes to play and Banksy will accommodate! My sweet hubby took all of them for a walk this morning. Amazingly, it all went smoothly! I like that I am not a penguin! I know that is silly but I was looking at a photo of penguins the other day and couldn't help but think I am so grateful that I don't have to get around the way they do! There is always something to be grateful for and that one made me smile. We watched the first episode of Paradise last night. It hooked us in right away. Sterling K. Brown is an amazing actor. He was fantastic in This Is Us and I see he will not disappoint in Paradise. I like that I have a date with my granddaughter for tomorrow night. We are going to Disney on Ice with her ...