
Showing posts from August 7, 2024

Work in Progress Wednesday

 This mixed-media piece has been hanging in my studio for years.  It started life as a hand embroidery piece passed down to me from my husband's aunt.  I have applied laces and paints to it thus making it my own.  I think she would be happy about that.   My niece was visiting and commented about how much she liked it.  I couldn't agree with her.  I knew it didn't feel done.  Since that visit, I have added some oil pastels to the roses on the right.  I like them so much better now.  I also added some blue pastels to the sky, which greatly helped.   Looking at this photo I can see more clearly what else needs to be done.  Not a lot.  It is getting ever so close to being finished in a way that I am pleased.  Yay!