
I Like

 I like that I have self-published my second book!  I feel it is important to stop and recognize this accomplishment.  So often I merely move on to the next thing.  I need to be proud of this!  I need to celebrate this!  This is no small thing!   This book is full of my gorgeous kaleidoscope photos and inspiring quotes.  It has been a long time coming.  The program I used wasn't great and caused some issues.  It was easy to get frustrated and walk away, for long periods!  But I have another book I want to write and I knew that it would not come together before finishing this one.  I persisted and I finished it!  Yay! Kaleidoscope Inspirations  is available as a PDF for $9.99US. I like that the contractor is coming tomorrow.  The reno that we started one year ago!  will now be moving forward.  Getting a contractor to come seems like a small miracle.  He has been promising to come for months!...

Work in Progress Wednesday

 Yep, more dog hair that I didn't notice before I took this picture!  I love the start of this mixed-media mandala.  The circle in the centre is a paste paper I created many years ago.  Paste paper making is so much fun!  It is like fingerpainting!  It was stitched on with a gorgeous holographic thread.  Yummy!  The outer design was done with transfer foil that is similar in colour to the holographic thread.   Now this mandala needs some embroidery.  Some of the mandalas for this project have loads of embroidery.  Others not quite so much.  I am a bit concerned that they won't all go together.  That isn't a big problem.  I can use those that don't fit in something else.  I might have to make more to replace them but that isn't a big deal.  I don't have a time crunch on this project.  

Mandala Monday

 The glue is showing through the paper in some spots on this mandala.  That seems like a major flaw but weirdly I like it.  I could probably add some paint to cover it up and possibly that could make it more interesting but I don't think I will.  I think I will enjoy my flawed mandala just the way it is.  

Slow Stitching Sunday

I enjoy having a monthly project to work on throughout the year.   I have landed on an idea for this year but it is not fully formed.  I love mixed media and have so many wonderful supplies.  I have not explored a lot of them.  So my intention is to use those supplies and create a tree each month.  Possibly I will create more than one tree.  I plan to play with silk pods, silk carrier rods, Angelina fibres and more. I also have some samples/experiments that I want to use.  Some of these can be difficult to stitch through so that is something to consider.  Also, I am undecided about what form this project should take.  Do I want to make another scroll or other book form?  What will my substrate be for each tree?   At least I have a direction to go in.  I know it will all come together eventually! I am linking to

I Like

 There is always so much to like in life.  So much to be grateful for.  Sometimes we just need to slow down and recognize what we already have. I spend a lot of time with people who are older than me.  That is not a complaint, I love these people.  My concern is that in time I might end up with no friends.  I know, kind of negative but I have been trying to be proactive and add younger friends into my life.  Well, looking for ways to do that.  I haven't been very successful in the way I thought I would be.   Last week I invited my niece for an art day.  We have been doing an art day together each month since she moved back to Ontario.  She drives two hours to come see me!  We have so much fun together.  I laugh with her more than anyone else.  Others have caught wind of our art days and have asked to join us.  So last week there were six of us, seven if you count the baby.   The room was full of yo...

Work In Progress Wednesday

 I have started on another mandala.  The centre of this one is done on watercolour paper.  I am loving the start!  It looks like a spirograph!  I loved spirographs when I was a kid but I could never get them to turn out perfectly.  Perfection is highly elusive for me and I have learned to accept that with a minimum of annoyance.   I have to ponder what to add to this mandala.  I don't want to take away from the centre.  It needs to be the most important part.  I think I will do the stitching in a low-contrast thread.  That might work.

Mandala Monday

 I used transfer foil in the centre of this mandala.  I love the way transfer foil shimmers and shines.  This is the perfect mandala for a snowy winter day!