mixed media monday wings challenge

I love winged things!  I also enjoy participating in the Mixed Media Monday challenge when I have the time and inspiration. This week the theme is wings.  It worked out perfectly with this page.  It is another page from my time book.  Thanks for looking!


  1. how delightful...love the idea of your book

  2. Hey Shelle!
    Thanks for commenting! I was looking at your profile trying to figure out how to contact you but couldn`t find an email for you. I did notice that you have excellent taste in music! I love Hillsong!

  3. Wow this is incredible.
    Fantastic work. Love them.

  4. Angela, this is such a beautiful spread - I can only imagine how wonderful the book will be when it's completed! Diane

  5. I like winged things too Auntie Angie, this book has a beautiful cover.


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Princess Bubbles

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