Slow Stitching Sunday

 How did it get to be December!  I really meant to fill in the big gaps in my November slice!  I still might.  We will see how it goes.  I got a lot of other stitching done in November so I guess that distracted me from this project.  There is only one slice left to stitch on this project and I find myself jumping ahead to next year.

I wonder if I want to do another monthly project like this for next year.  I like having a monthly project.  I might consider doing a mixed-media instead of stitching.  Not that I couldn't incorporate some stitching into that though.  I have no clear idea at this point and that's okay.  I have to get through the holidays!  

I am linking to


  1. It’s fun to see what stitches you make in each section of this project. Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Some stitches are very difficult to use unless one has a lot of space - like the Chessboard Filling Stitch for example. It is nice as an individual stitch but as a filling stitch it has to be a Chessboard formation.
    Don't worry You will fill in the gaps and work on the December slice, too, before the end of the year.

  3. I like having some monthly projects that last through the year, too. It has been fun to see your progress on this one!


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Princess Bubbles

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