Take a stitch Tuesday

The Buttonhole Wheel stitch is so cool!  I really like it.  I used it here with unusual materials.  This is the start of my bead journal project for December.  I decided to use only reclaimed materials and I am calling the piece  Detritus.  I reused Christmas wrapping paper and adhered it to fusible interfacing.  I rolled paper strips to form my 'beads'.  I have stitched with dental tape that I colored with Sharpie markers.  My husband was given a massive amount of dental tape and we will never get through it all.  It just makes sense to repurpose some of it.  Thanks to Sharon B at pintangle.com for doing Take a Stitch Tuesday!


  1. Your Detritus project sounds very neat and your buttonhole wheels with dental floss look great.


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Princess Bubbles

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