Work in Progress Wednesday

My crazy quilt block is coming along nicely.  I am feeling on top of things.  I was a bit concerned with all the projects I have given myself this year.  Turns out the more I have to do the more I get done.  Deadlines and commitments are my friends.
I am linking with


  1. Lovely:) I like the shells, buttons and beads nestled together.

  2. The more you have to do, the more you get done. Oh, I wish that was true for me, too! Who's your secret?

  3. Gorgeous work! I've always wanted to do a crazy quilt, but I don't have the patience for all of that intricate detail work. Good luck with all of your projects this year.

  4. Your block is lovely. I specially like the found bits with the shells and buttons.

    Thanks for linking up with Needlework Tuesdya. I hope you'll share your links in the future as I'd love to see ore of your stitching.


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Princess Bubbles

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