Work in Progress Wednesday

My January CQ block is finished.  I am hoping that it looks good with the three other blocks that I will be doing next.  I definitely had fun with this one!
I am linking with

Also, just want to mention that I have a piece in the Spring 2017 Crazy Quilt Quarterly.


  1. You have a bit of everything in this block: buttons, lace, timid stitches and bold ones, colour and structure. I am sure the block will go with the other you create.

  2. It turned out really pretty! I love the buttons and shells you added.

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party and for the link back. Aloha hugs!

  3. I'm loving your crazy stitching. It's making me want to get my unfinished blocks out and work on them.

    Thanks for linking up with Needlework Tuesday.


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Princess Bubbles

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