Enjoying the challenge

This small quilt had its origin in a workshop.  Rarely, do I choose to finish a quilt started in a workshop.  I don't like leaving things undone but I have given myself permission to do so with workshop pieces.  However, I think this one has potential and I am enjoying the challenge of making it right.  I am going to consider it my bead journal for this month.  The waterfall is going to come to life with sparkly beads!  Fun!
I am linking with


  1. Angela, The piece is stunning as is. The waterfall looks quite refreshing at the moment. I look forward to seeing it with your added beads. Happy sewing! Andrea

  2. I love how you used eyelash yarn in the waterfall, never would have thought of that. Love the finished quilt.

  3. It already is a lovely scene, and with a beaded waterfall it will look even greater.


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Princess Bubbles

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