Slow stitching

This is my January stitch a day progress.  The fabric is twice stenciled and now I am stitching silver thread to it.  I decided I would do the same six-inch square size as last year as they may all come together into one big project down the road.  However, I am thinking about stitching on one project now.  After seeing others do that for 2017 and their marvelous results I am wanting to try it.  I can always start that in February.
I am linking to


  1. The Running Stitches you have added would qualify for TAST#1 or Beyond TAST, too!
    Are those knots French or Colonial?

  2. I enjoyed my year of stitches project. Choosing to do 6" squares is interesting and your twice stencilled fabric is going to to amazing with stitches

  3. The first daily project I did started in Nov., the second one in March. I didn't want to start the first of the year because I was afraid I'd treat it like a resolution which I never stuck with. Just start whenever you are ready.

  4. That is my favourite way to make a project... just start and see if it becomes part of something else or is it's own project. Enjoy!


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Princess Bubbles

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