Slow Stitching Sunday

 I admire Sharon Boggon and her stitching.  She does beautiful work and I have long wanted to do some stitching that emulates her work.  I dove into that project this week.  So much fun!  The fabric is a beautiful piece of silk that was gifted to me.  The colour of said silk is not really typical of the palette I use.  So it is perfect for this as not much of it will be seen when all is finished. I do love the sound of stitching through silk.  Is that a bit weird?  I don't care if it is.

This is a fun project to play with colour and texture.  It won't take long to fill the hoop.  I was asked what am I going to do with it.  I actually don't have a clue at this point.  I am just enjoying doing it.  Does it have to be anything?  

I am linking to



  1. I'm a great believer in stitching because it's fun! I've done some of those stitches and they look so nice.

  2. Oh, that is neat! I love the buttons sewn in and the shapes you're making. I get asked that same question all the time, and agree with you. Sometimes the most pleasure is in the doing!

  3. Beautiful work! I took Sharon Boggan's scrumptious surfaces class and learned a lot. She does such inspiring work! Hope you have a great week!

  4. No, 'it' doesn't need to be anything, except to shine in all its beauty. The silk fabric is sumptuous. I rather like the sound of a needle piercing through silk, too. Loving all those buttons being embellished with your beautiful threads and stitches; with itty beads in between. This piece is gorgeous, Angela.

  5. So glad you are enjoying your pretty stitching. I can definitely understand enjoying the sound of stitching.


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Princess Bubbles

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