I Like

 Participating in the 'I Like" posts on Thursdays with Lee Anna and the gang is something that I am really enjoying.  It is stopping to smell the roses so to speak.  This week there was a prompt to discuss our summer 'uniform', favourite clothes etc.  I love the brand Desigual and have a pair of their slides.  I find them to be very comfortable so I wear them a LOT. They are also very colourful.   I mainly shorts and a T-shirt throughout the summer.  I am not picky about brands.  I mainly want to be comfortable and colourful.

I like interesting conversations.  Conversations that have a bit of a debate to them.  While gathered on the deck this past weekend the old Beatles versus The Rolling Stones came up.  My son who has a BA in Music clearly knows a lot more about music than I do.  He thinks the Beatles were the better band because they added so much to music.  That is one perspective and probably true.  Personally, I favour the Stones.  I like their music better.  Don't get me wrong I enjoy some of the music by the Beatles.   The Beatles have some songs that I downright don't like though. And if I am really honest I don't listen to either of them all that much.  All of that to say that I think we can learn from each other when we take the time to have a good conversation.  And it is okay to come to the end of the conversation and not be in total agreement with each other.  It can all be done in the spirit of curiosity and kindness.


Comfort is definitely most important in clothing choices, no matter what time of year. Those are cute sandals, too! The Beatles would win out in our family, but sounds like a fun discussion no matter which side you were on!
LA Paylor said…
I'd vote Beatles for the number of beloved songs, but the few I like by stones are keepers! Have to stop everything and dance!
LOVE those shoes... and a good conversation is worth more than gold
Queeniepatch said…
Also, a conversation that has not come to a full stop can be taken up again at a later stage. In the meantime, our arguments might change or develop. I have always preferred The Beatles and had (still have?) some of their albums. Now I hardly ever listen to them.

I also like to wear comfortable clothing in summer to beat the heat.

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