I Like

LeeAnna comes up with such interesting questions for us each week.  Thank you!

This week we are asked:

are you a morning person or a night owl? what do you like about being
this way? Would you prefer being different?

I am the sort of person that needs a lot of sleep.  So I don't consider myself to be a morning or night person.  I am most productive in the afternoon.  I prefer a leisurely start and end to my day.  Let's see, what do I like about being this way?  I guess I am rather neutral on it.  It just is that way.  I make it work for me.  Would I prefer to be different?  No, I feel no need to be different.  

At this stage of my life, I feel it is best to accept myself as I am.  It would be great if we could do that at every stage of life but it seems to take time.  I can honestly say I Like myself.  I like that I am an artist. I like that I am honest and reliable.  I like that I am compassionate and can relate to both sides of a story.  I like that I am always learning.  I have even learned to like the less-than-positive things about myself.  I won't list them though!  All these things make me who I am.

I like Unstable on Netflix.  Thanks, LeeAnna for mentioning it last week.  One of the creators also worked on Better Off Ted which is also funny.  I love smart humour.  I haven't started watching the last season of Ted Lasso yet but plan to.  

I like the fantastic warm weather we are having right now.  I have seen snowdrops, croci, daffodils and pansies.  The image above is a photo of a pansy that has been manipulated in Kaleidoscope Kreator.  Fun!


LA Paylor said…
omg your prose reads like a lovely poem and I enjoyed the wisdom and insight of it so much.
your kaleidoscopes are so cool... just an artist's way of viewing life!
PaintedThread said…
We've started Ted Lasso. We'll miss it when it's done. Enjoy your spring flowers!
I never would have guessed that was a pansy! What fun! I agree - it's good to like ourselves just the way we are!
Queeniepatch said…
I am happy that you stand by your belief in being yourself. You have many good qualities and I hope you will always be the person you are.
Angie said…
Angela - how wonderful that you love yourself as you are. That is a tough thing for many people to do. I am quite comfortable in my skin, but I am regularly querying what I might improve in myself.

Lovely "manipulation" of the pansy, and thanks for visiting my blog today!
Hi Angela, that pansy photo is awesome. What a neat feature! At my age now, 71, I am quite content with how I am regarding sleep and waking up, etc. too.
I think everyone should just accept the way they are. It's nice to see you're happy the way they are. I think that's so healthy!
Linda said…
I like your Kaleidoscope Kreator pansy! Good for you for acceptance - that seems to be the hardest thing for many people. I think age has helped me with that - but I had to accept that I was aging first - lol!

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