Slow Stitching Sunday

 How is it that March is at its end?  There is still a fair amount of space in my March slice to add stitches.  I was hoping that I would have my slices more full.  However, I am not going to stress about it.  I will move on to the next slice in the new month.  This is meant to be a pleasant pastime, not a burdensome one. I can always return to those empty spots at a later time.  Or I can just leave them as is.  

As I look at the piece as a whole I think it is interesting.  It is coming along well and I am enjoying the process.  I have so many books to explore yet and look forward to learning and practicing some more stitches.  

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I think your monthly slices are delightful! How did you get your circle divided into 12 equal parts? I would love to stitch something like this, but would struggle with that first part, lol! Happy Easter, Angela!
Karrin Hurd said…
Gorgeous stitching! Happy Easter!
Kim said…
Such a variety of stitches in the wedges. It looks like you are having fun with each new stitch.
You have tried out an interesting assortment of stitches this month. Bring on April!
Queeniepatch said…
I fully understand how you feel about meeting new stitches. I, too, have many books and wanted to make use of stitches I had not worked with before. That is how I started Sunday Stitch School. Now there are 282 stitches in the collection, although not all of them are from books. many of them come from the internet.
Angie said…
Angela - I love your slices - the whole is appealing, and I also enjoyed looking at the individual stitches. And more than anything, I admire your attitude about it - enjoying it rather than making it a burden! Joining you from Slow Sunday Stitching!

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