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LeeAnna and friends are discussing

As an adult, or even a retired adult, now, do you change your routine
for the summer? Do you have a grandchild come stay, for instance? Do you
go to family yourself? do you tend to stay up later or eat out more, or
become more active/less active because of heat? How is your daily
routine changed because of the change of season?

I don't change a lot in the summer.  Definitely, I don't change my daily routine.  I try to go with the flow most days so no particular routine to change! I have a walking friend and we change our walking time to the morning when it is a bit cooler.  Not a big change.  

I take my stitching outside as much as possible in the warm weather.  I love being outside!  Well, I love being outside when the weather is warm.  Our weather can be most unpleasant in the winter. 

I like poetry.  I recently read this poem by Langston Hughes.  


The Dream Keeper

Bring me all of your dreams, 
You dreamers. 
Bring me all of your 
Heart melodies
That I may wrap them 
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the too rough fingers
Of the world. 

Poets are magicians with words.  I am still looking for any book by David Whyte.  I know I could order one from amazon but I don't want to.  For some reason, I just want to find one of his books at a thrift store or free little library.  That will add to the magic of his words in my mind!


My walking friends and I try to meet early in the morning for walking here in the summer, too. Evenings can be nice when it's starting to cool off, too. That is a great poem! Good luck finding the book you're looking for.
LA Paylor said…
oh the poem touches my soft center
protect from the rough fingers of life...

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