Work in Progress Wednesday


I am working on another scroll.  I am beading a river running through it.  I have a bead soup of blue beads.  Each time I sit down to work on it I am to bead across two squares.  The 'river' is quite thin on some of the squares and I plan to go back and thicken it up.  

It has been too long since I have done such intensive beading.  My how I love it!  It is a complete pleasure!  Mainly I have been able to sit outside and enjoy the bird songs and beading.  I wanted to do that this afternoon but it is 30 degrees and HIGH humidity.  Yuck!  Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Queeniepatch said…
Still, the river must have had some cooling effect...
It's a lovely idea and will tie each piece together with the ones next to it.
Let's hope for a cooler and dryer day soon.

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