I Like


Thank you LeeAnna for still hosting I Like every Thursday even though you are feeling unwell.  The question this week is

what is your favorite meal of the day? do you have a favorite food for
that meal?

I have never thought about that.  I think I enjoy eating good food at any meal.  I am so grateful I get to have various good food every day!  I am so grateful that I have never gone hungry!  I just thought of what my favourite meal is!  It is the one that I didn't have to cook myself!  Cooking is not my favourite thing to do.  This princess just wants to make art!  Oh well, one does need to eat.

I love photography but haven't spent a lot of time with my camera of late.  I took a walk down memory lane looking through some of my past photos and came across this one.  What a beauty!  Isn't it a marvellous azure blue?

I like that today is warmer than it has been all week.  I am even wearing shorts today.  I plan to take some stitching outside and soak up some sun.  That always make for a good day!


PaintedThread said…
I like cooking, but even I agree the best meal is one you don't cook yourself! LOL
It is definitely a treat when someone else cooks! Your butterfly photo is beautiful, too. You should get that camera out more!
Queeniepatch said…
Oh, I haven't had a meal cooked by someone else in ages! It is not only the cooking but also the planning, the shopping, the clearing up, the storing of left-overs ... that make a meal prepared, cooked, served and paid for (?) by someone else a real treat!
My favourite meal is breakfast. I am always hungry when I wake up!

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