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LeeAnna is on the mend and wants to know

What calming exercises have you successfully used in the past to maintain a level mood?

First and foremost I have made it a habit to regard my emotions as a source of information but I do not allow them to dictate my mood.  I spend most of my days in a level mood.  I examine the information being provided by my emotions and I do what I can to process it all.  Of course, there are times when my emotions get the better of me but I like to think it is rare.

I find meditation is also helpful.  Simply concentrating on one breath at a time is easy and helpful.  And of course, I  make art.  Art always helps!  No mindblowing advice here but it works for me!

I like thrift store shopping.  Last week I found a paper marbling kit, brand new.  I got it out yesterday for an art play day with my DIL and niece.  We had so much fun together.  I tried it on fabric and it worked well.  Can't wait to figure out where to use it!


I am thankful to be a pretty level person, too. Art definitely helps with channeling emotions, too. Gives you something besides your own needs to focus on!
Susie H said…
I'm usually an upbeat person however, like everyone, I have my moments. Thankfully few & far between. Nice treasure at the thrift store. That sounds like a fun, new toy.

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