Slow Stitching Sunday

 I made some progress on this wool mandala.  Oh, how I wish could capture the gleam of the thread, transfer foil and sequins!  It is all matching.  Wonderful gleaming hologram!  So me!  More slow stitching needs to be added.  Seems like a good project to work on this afternoon.  The house will be quiet.  

We often have family dinners on Sundays but not today.  The family was here yesterday.  With five grandchildren and three dogs in the mix, it was not a quiet day.  Gloriously busy with little ones and conversations.  

I will head off to my yoga class shortly.  When I return I settle in for a cosy afternoon of stitching.  I love my life!

I love linking with


  1. Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned! Happy stitching! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Oh you made me so happy when you said you love your life! It does sound splendid indeed! Have a great day! Thank you for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  3. Spending a day with lots of grandchildren and a few pups thrown into the mix does sound like the very best of life. Oh.....and a little stitching of pretty mandalas, too.

  4. That is really pretty, Angela! I wish we could see the shine, too. So glad you had a fun day with the family yesterday!

  5. That is really pretty, Angela! I wish we could see the shine, too. So glad you had a fun day with the family yesterday!

  6. You are blessed with so much. It is especially quiet the day after a family gathering with small children! Enjoy your quiet time with yoga and stitching.


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Princess Bubbles

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