Dragonfly wings

I was experimenting with transparencies and sheer fabric.  The idea came from the book 'Hot Textiles' by Kim Thittichai.  Basically you use a heat tool to cut and bond the fabric and transparency at the same time.  I first printed the dragonfly wing pattern on the transparency.
I plan to use one pair in an art journal and the other in an art quilt or fabric journal.  Don`t hold your breath.  It might be a while before I  post a picture of the completed projects.  I am better at experimenting than at finishing!


  1. Angela,
    Love this idea! These will work up really cute, can't wait to see what you come up with!

  2. I really love the greenish blue ones. they look perfect as they are. I often use layers of organza and put either glitters or a tiny bit of unbounded Angelina between two layers. or I stitch vines using metallic threads. sounds like me, more experimenting than finishing.

  3. I'm holding my breath anyhow. I'd love to see how you use these.


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Princess Bubbles

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