Bead Journal project for February

It is highly unlikely that I will ever have my bead journal page done this early in the month ever again.  I'm pleased with this tag.  I joined the bead journal project because of all the wonderful beading that was done in previous years. There are some very talented stitchers out there.  I am trying really hard to not compare myself to them.  Having fun and learning is more important than comparing.


  1. i think your tag turned out beautifully!

  2. And I'm trying very hard not to compare myself to the wonderful unity of your collage work! (Is that what you call it... collage?) If you've been to my blog, you've seen that I'm trying to get a grip on collage this year... I've got a long way to go compared to you. But then, where do we ever get if we don't just take those baby steps and practice? I love your tags! Their shape and the way you combine the elements is so very pleasing!!! Robin A.

  3. I like the "tag" idea and wonder what you will do with them. It's lovely!

  4. Delicate, light color, very beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, that's pretty. I really like it. And you are so right about not comparing our work to that of others. It's a pit I fall into far too easily (and then have a hard time getting back out of). I'm going to keep your words in my heart as I work on my piece for February.

  6. How beautiful! It looks like you stamped on puffy satin, but I it's really a tag. I really like (admire! envy??) how you actually finish your projects!!! You are a great role model! :)

  7. I do love tags! Unfortunately, I don't really know what I will do with them. If there's any brilliant suggestions, I'm open!
    Yes, I think this can be called collage, mixed media collage.
    warm regards

  8. You did a fabulous job on this one sis! Keep on growing.


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Princess Bubbles

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