The other day I was digging through a box of experiments, I was hoping to find somethings to add to my fabric book. I came across a stencil of trees that I had cut and got distracted from my book. I had been wanting to use the stencil with spray paint mostly because I had cut it from cardstock. I thought if I used spray paint it would give it a protective coating and make it more durable. Anyway, I grabbed a couple of things out of the box to use as a base to spray. Bottom photo is a stiff fusible interface I had applied transfer foil to. I sprayed blue paint at the top of the stencil and white at the bottom. I love the ethereal quality to it. The top photo is a blue gelli print. I had a build up of spray paint on the stencil so I printed it on top of the gelli print. It is a bit hard to see the details but I really like the way it turned out. It feels so good to be playing and experimenting.
Fantastic pictures. They could be the cover on a 'mystic' book or a 'deep forest' story.