I would never call myself a painter

Yesterday I was at the Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery to volunteer with the senior's art program.  I love working with the seniors!  They are fabulous!  One of the ladies has had a stroke and struggles to find some words.  However, she doesn't let it stop her.  She participates in the discussion about the art works more than anyone.  Everyone patiently waits while tries to come up with the right word.  She always has a big smile on her face!  God bless her! 

The art instructor asked if I would do up a sample to show to the seniors and possibly inspire them.  I only had about 10 minutes and this is what I created.  I had fun doing it and think it isn't bad for 10 minutes.


  1. I think it's wonderful. There's lots of texture, movement and play with colour. I get a free and joyful vibe from it.


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Princess Bubbles

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