I am Brave

This is my journal page about being brave.  It is really hard to see the gold gel pen writing on the heart.  It simply says I am brave.  People have often commented that they think I am brave.  It puzzles me.  More often I think they mean foolhardy as I will dive into something without really thinking through the repercussions.  Nevertheless I am brave in some circumstances.

The wings on this page are made with fabric so I feel comfortable linking to



  1. People say that to me and I assume they really mean stubborn! I like seeing your journal pages and all the different techniques you try out: you have so many good ideas.

  2. I think I'm on earth to face fears.. I don't think I'm brave but people say I am. I don't get it. Guess they can't see the fear. LeeAnna


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Princess Bubbles

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