Balance is the journal prompt theme

I paraphrased the quote to say 'To keep your balance keep moving'.  I definitely like to keep moving forward.  Yesterday I was disappointed to find out that I did not get the artist in residency that I had applied for.  Their loss, it was a really good idea.  Today, I am working on my altered books to submit to a show.  I am not about to be stuck in self pity about the residency.  I will keep joyfully making my art!


  1. I like the feather page! THIS time the artist in residence idea didn't get chosen, but it doesn't mean it won't be next time. =) Your attitude is just right!

  2. Oh, I am so sorry you were not picked for this honour. As you know, art is judged by 'taste' rather than time, length or other things that can be measured, and when the jury do not have any 'taste' it is a great pity.
    Here you have proved that you are indeed a skilful artist! Keep up your spirits!


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Princess Bubbles

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