Work in Progress Wednesday

I am not sure where I am going with this.  I used metallic Gelatos to stencil this design and then got distracted.  My intention was to stencil this design two more times to make a full circle.  I am leaning towards doing that but I am concerned I won't remember which colors I used.  Plus, it was a bit tedious stenciling all those small openings.  Still, it would look better to have a full circle.  Then my next question is what will I do this?  I guess I could just quilt it or add beads or?
I am linking with


  1. Could you use these 2 over a doorway? On a quilt, over an open door to a view of...?
    A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  2. The final goal for this superb design it to display it, beads or not! Come on, make the full circle!

  3. I'd say leave it as it is. It reminds me of a stained glass window. So maybe you could add something around it to further give that impression. Certainly is lovely! Thank you for sharing, and if you do more with it, link it up agian!


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