Work in Progress Wednesday

Ah!  Summer, a time for slowing down.  My spring was pretty busy but I don't have much on my calendar for the summer and I am relieved.  I now have time to think about the San Fransisco School of Needlework and Design summer challenge.  The theme is burlesque.  I looked up the definition for inspiration.
an absurd or comically exaggerated imitation of something, especially in a literary or dramatic work; a parody.
"the funniest burlesque of opera"
a variety show, typically including striptease.
"burlesque clubs"
cause to appear absurd by parodying or copying in an exaggerated form.
"she struck a ridiculous pose that burlesqued her own vanity"

The word exaggerated gave me the inspiration to let out my inner magpie.  Go for the glitz!  I am planning a crazy quilt block with the above fabric.  The two on the end are absolutely stunning but I am not sure if they play nicely with the other fabrics.  Possibly I could make them work together, not sure.

I am linking to


  1. Yes, those two on the end are stunning! They should be the stars, and the rest, the supporting cast. Keep us posted!

  2. Love your choice of fabrics! The glitzier the better for me, love sparkles!!

  3. What fun your quilt will be! Are you planning to use embellishments? Eager to see your progress! Thank you for sharing!


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Princess Bubbles

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