I can really get lost in doodling these mandalas. It is so relaxing to me. They are far from perfect and I just don't care. Can you read the word that I created on this one?
Please enjoy this photo of a glistening soft petal. I am linking with http://www.shinethedivinecreativityisaspiritualpractice.com/ http://www.anenglishgirlrambles2016.blogspot.ca/ http://mersad-photography.blogspot.ca/2016/01/following-path-through-my-lens-nr-26.html http://image-in-ing.blogspot.ca/
I am not a gardener but I do love flowers. It is so much fun for me to get out my macro lens and spend time photographing flowers up close and personal. I am linking with http://www.shinethedivinecreativityisaspiritualpractice.com/ and http://macromonday2.blogspot.ca/
How can a flower not be beautiful? It gives me so much pleasure to look at them up close. I am linking with http://www.mersad-photography.blogspot.ca/2016/04/sunset-over-city-through-my-lens-nr-39.html http://image-in-ing.blogspot.ca/
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Princess Bubbles