Slow Stitching Sunday

I have managed to get add some stitches to this piece.  Slow stitching indeed.  A few days ago I decided I simply must find more time to express myself with stitch.  I NEED to feel more productive.  Helping look after my almost three-year-old granddaughter is a privilege, joy, taxing and oh so much more.  I know it is special but it does not feel productive to me.  At least not art-wise.  I have gathered my stitching projects into one pile and committed to adding a little bit of stitching to each one of them every day if possible. 

I am linking to


  1. Hope you get some time for stitching this week. Watching grandchildren does consume the time for sure!

  2. I know what you mean - I always feel like I have achieved something with the day if I have something solid to show at the end of it. Your project is lovely. Such pretty colours.

  3. You just HAVE TO keep on stitching. You know yourself and your needs. Don't give up stitching. Of course it is important, rewarding and fun to look after small children, but you must look after your own needs, too.

  4. Beautiful stitches! Yes, I seem to be doing alot of faffing around and getting nowhere these days too!


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Princess Bubbles

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