Slow Stitching Sunday

I have started a new slow stitching project.  This fabric started out as an experiment.  I liked it but it didn't work out well for  my original idea/intention.  I left the fabric hanging in my studio waiting for inspiration to hit.  It came to me this week and I have added some more colour with Inktense blocks.  I drew in a tree outline and have started stitching inside that outline.  My first problem is that I like the colours of the tree and therefore don't want to cover it completely with stitches.  Having an area that is precious is never good for me. It is inhibiting so I will have to get over that.  My second issue is that I want this to be something.  Again, inhibiting.  

I am linking to


  1. Another lovely piece of fabric that you have prepared. I am quite certain that you will create magic that only you can do with this fabric.

  2. What a lovely piece to work on! Beautiful colors!

  3. One way of safe guarding a precious area is to alter it as little as possible. In this case it is the colouring that is precious, so why not work the area in tread and bead colours that are identical with the fabrics colour? Just an idea...


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Princess Bubbles

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