Another Redemption?

 Redemption is a theme that runs through my work.  I may not call attention to it but it is definitely there.  It is a beautiful idea and is most often expressed through the materials I use.  I love to take something old and worn and make it beautiful.  I also like to resurrect old pieces of my own artwork.  It is hard for me to call something a complete failure and give up on it.  A part of me always believes that it can still be made beautiful.  And so it is with this piece.  It started its life in a painting workshop many years ago.  I cut the canvas off the stretchers bars because I was never going to hang it up and it takes less room.  It is the right size for the giant book I am making so I started pondering how to redeem it.  The centre portion is a photo I printed and stitched.  It has been hanging around for a while and I thought it might work on this.  I plunked it down and low and behold I think it looks good.  I need to iron the canvas and decide how to attach the centre portion.  I think it will work really well in my book.  Yay for not giving up!

I am linking to


Jo said…
I am all for cutting up and repurposing your work that doesn't bring you joy. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
Queeniepatch said…
It always feels good to blow life into and find good use of a 'failed' piece. The canvas would be perfect for a sturdy book cover.

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