Slow Stitching Sunday

 I have made a bit of progress on my whole cloth crazy quilt.  Taking each 'seam' further is challenging.  My goal is to add at least two more stitches/embellishments to each seam.  I am not sure if I will be able to do that but there is no rush.  I can let the ideas percolate.  

I am linking to


  1. Oh how fun! I love the idea of setting a challenge for ourselves and look forward to watching this piece progress!

  2. Love the bright threads against the black! That looks like such a fun project!

  3. Love seeing your beautiful stitching! Hope you have a great week!

  4. I love the idea of pretty embroidery stitches dancing on a whole cloth crazy quilt. They are all so different and colourful. Love the feather stitch with the pretty flowers. This quilt is going to be so pretty. I am looking forward to seeing what next you embroider.

  5. The beauty of crazy quilting is that the stitch line can grow and grow and grow... Take your time and add as much as you like. There is never any rights and wrongs about crazy quilting, you know.
    Will you be adding beads?


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Princess Bubbles

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