Stop and smell the roses

 Gosh, I don't know how many years ago I created this collaged journal.  It was definitely before I started this blog.  The pages are filled with collages and quotes.  I pulled this one out yesterday to look through it.  This page struck me as I had been on a walk with a friend and we saw a number of roses in bloom.  Yes, I did stop to smell them.  They were heavenly.  Also, a friend sent me a photo of a rose she had seen on a walk.  It made me wonder if there was a message in the roses for me.  I looked up the symbolism of a rose and it is 'God's love at work in the world'.  


Queeniepatch said…
I think there is a meaning in most things that happens to us, but it often takes a long time before we understand it. Don't you think that you were meant to open that journal after all these years? Memories come flooding in, the meaning of ROSE is made clear, at a time when you probably really need it. I hope it will brighten your life.

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