Slow Stitching Sunday

 I am pleased with the progress of this mandala.  The silk fabric is a delight to stitch into.  Oh, how I love silk.  I must do a mandala on silk fabric with only silk threads.  That would be a joy.  I actually have three mandalas on the go right now and all three are on silk fabric.  I think some beads would look good on this mandala, beads almost always look good!  However, I had kind of wanted to just have stitching on this one.  I am not sure why or if I will stick to that because the beads are calling to me.  Plus this silk is robust enough to handle some beads.

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Birthe Marie said…
So lovely mandala embroidery. It was beautiful with embroidery on silk fabric? I also like to sew mandalas, but have never tried to embroider on silk. Happy stitching!
Karrin Hurd said…
Lovely mandala, and I love the color of that silk! Hope you have a great week!
That really is so pretty, Angela! I love the background color! Do you draw your designs on before you stitch? I would love to try something like that.
Kim said…
Oh, the call of the beads is hard to resist. =) Loving this mandala. Those threads give such lovely texture and interest. Fabrics are not all created equal, and I consider silk fabrics to be beautiful. Lovely silk threads dancing in pretty patterns across silk fabrics would be dreamy.
Sarah said…
I'm with you, beads can only ever enhance a project!
Queeniepatch said…
You are making the Catherine Wheel Stitch so beautiful by building on it. It is perfect for the hub of a mandala.
Denise :) said…
This is so pretty! I love working with silk, too ... it handles the delicate stitching so nicely! I love incorporating it in crazy quilted pieces! :)

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