Work in Progress Wednesday

 I have painted another doily.  I love upcycling doilies into mandala art.  This one had been lovingly used and has a few stains.  That just makes me love it all the more.  It speaks to a life well-lived.  I think we all get a little battered and bruised throughout life.  It makes us all the more interesting in my humble opinion.  Or at the very least relatable.  Wouldn't it be great if we were all more willing to share our missteps and imperfections?  Perfection is not relatable to me.  It also isn't very interesting.  I long ago recognized perfection was not attainable for me.  It is rather freeing!


Queeniepatch said…
Well, what IS perfection? Surely it is a form of measurement, like a tea spoon you use for cooking, or weight measures, gr or oz. We need perfect measurements for some vital things like the ingredients in medicine, or perfect distance to the spot on your body that needs laser treatment. So perfect is sometimes of the greatest value.
However, when it comes to teeth, who needs perfectly even teeth? Why would handwriting have to be so perfect that it looks like it was printed on a machine? No, when it comes to a flaw here and there, I think it enhances the beauty and uniqueness, and a stain on a doily tell a story. You are quite right, we need imperfectionism!

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