I Like

 I like summer when I can have the windows open.  I like being able to hear the birds sing.  I like looking at the leaves move in a gentle breeze.  It mesmerises me.  I like a quiet simple life.  I like that I am at a place in life where I don't need much to be happy.  Yes, I have way more art supplies than any sane person needs but I could be happy with just crayons and paper.

I started watching The Good Karma Hospital last week.  It is set in India and the colours are fantastic.  There are four seasons but each season is pretty short.  

I like thrift store shopping.  I dropped off some things earlier this week and had to pop into the store.  So glad I did.  I found a gorgeous piece of turquoise wool felt.  I can't wait to think of a project for it!

I am thankful to Lee Anna at Not Afraid of Color for hosting I Like Thursdays.


  1. We have so much to like and be grateful for. Unfortunately it is so easy to take things for granted.
    I like to read your words on 'like' and will search my own mind of what I like in my life.
    Today I like the cooler and dryer air that gives us relief from the previous heat wave.

  2. We have so many birds around here - I love listening to them all. Birdsong is a good thing!

  3. Oh yes, summer with the windows open and the breezes and the good smell of the world. We're lucky to live somewhere that we can do that!


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Princess Bubbles

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