Slow Stitching Sunday

 Another mandala finish.  This is number 50 something.  I think I will take a deep breath and enjoy this accomplishment!  I think we all need to stop and enjoy our accomplishments more.  I was walking with a friend earlier this week.  We said hello to a young woman that looked so forlorn.  She explained to us she was a bit lost and could we help.  I pulled out my phone and found the directions for her.  She was then on her way.  My friend gave me a big hug and commented that we were both just earth angels.  We should celebrating helping a total stranger.

I honestly doubt I would have thought anything of the encounter except that my friend made that comment.  A small act of kindness goes a long way and there is nothing wrong with taking the time to acknowledge it.  

It is a delight for me to link to  The lovely ladies there celebrate our small and large stitching accomplishments.  Such a good group of kind people!


It was so kind of you to help that girl! Little things like that make the world a better place. This mandala of yours is so pretty - I love the background fabric and the different stitches you used.
Karrin Hurd said…
Beautiful mandala! That is a simple act of kindness that I try to do too when I can. Hope you have a great week!
Linda said…
Lovely mandala stitching.
Arish said…
Una labor bellísima. BESICOS.
CathieJ said…
This mandala is very pretty. I can't believe you have made 50 of them. I try to do an act of kindness whenever I can. Your help may have been the highlight of that person's day.
Queeniepatch said…
Small acts like that are actually huge acts of kindness. If one is lost one appreciates all the help one can get. Thank you for being an Earth Angel.
Your mandala is looking great, all those stitches.

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