I Like

Well, LeeAnna came up with some good prompts for this week's I Like post.  

what is your go to snack food? Is there a particular chip you like?
(what is it you like about it)
Oh my gosh, I love the chips pictured above!  I love hot and spicy food and chips especially!  I prefer savoury snacks over sweet.  Sweet is for dessert and not a snack in my mind.

veggies? comfort snacks? chex mix? leftover pizza? if you're stuck on a
project, and want a break do you go to a snack food for soothing? Or if
you're nervous do you not eat?

Another favourite snack is veggies with hummus.  I found a hummus with olives and it is delicious.  I do snack when I am hungry or frustrated.  I especially like crunchy snacks when I feel frustrated.  I absolutely do not eat when I am nervous.  

Another thing I like is collaborations.  I have done an art collaboration with my family and a group of seniors.  These pieces will hang in my upcoming solo show.  I am excited that I have booked a date to do a similar collaboration with my granddaughter's kindergarten class.  It should be fun!  I hope the kids enjoy it.


Hummus and veggies - yum! I do love crunchy snacks, too. Not sure about "flaming hot," though! 🥵
Hi Angela, those are great snacks and yes I think of sweet things for dessert not snacking. I love popcorn and kettle corn too.
LA Paylor said…
I loved this post! I also want some of those spicy chips! and hummus.... I could just eat it with a spoon. I've been known to spread some on bread instead of may with turkey and cheese for sandwiches! Congrats on the collaboration.

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