Mandala Monday

This mandala is far from perfect but I am still willing to share.  I saw a quote that said Perfectionism is the fear of being criticised.  That really struck a chord with me.  My lovely blog readers make it easy to post with all my imperfections.  You are all so supportive and kind.  Another quote I saw said Imperfection is a form of freedom.  That also rang true to me.  My art-making is a freedom and joy to me.


Queeniepatch said…
If perfectionism is the fear of being criticised by others it is something we can deal with. It is far more difficult if the critic is oneself! That kind of perfectionism might be impossible to do something about.
I often have a perfect idea of what I want to do but am not able to make it, and therefore get frustrated. I don't care too much about what others say about my stitched creations.
Stitching/crafting should be fun, that's the main thing I think.
Your mandala is perfectly charming with its starry background and cheerful pink petals.

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