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Thanks LeeAnna for suggesting this. What about apple cider? are you all fans? do you make anything special with it or like something at the store made with it?  

Hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick is yummy.  But I rarely drink it.  My go to beverage is sparkling water.  It feels like a treat and doesn't have any calories so that works for me.  I would rather save my calories for really yummy food!  Giggles.

I like the warm weather that we are having!  What a treat!  I stopped at a lovely park today on my way home and captured this flower.  So nice to see flowers still blooming.  This one is starting to fade but it is still beautiful to me.

I am still liking my doggie day care business even though I had an extremely high maintenance client this past week.  This is my own business and I don't have to put up with such nonsense so I told her to find someone else.  I only watched her dog the once but that was enough.   I am glad I have learned to have good boundaries! There are plenty more dogs that need my services.  I love dogs and this is supposed to be fun!


LA Paylor said…
boundaries! some people never learn to set them, or feel it's okay to set them but it is!
Love the flower pic. I like sparkle water a lot too.
Queeniepatch said…
I like apple cider too, and would drink it just as it is. I must admit I don't drink it often, I prefer vegetable juice or water.
Flowers, who does not like flowers? People with allergies? I like flowers in season, tulips in spring, hydrangeas during the rainy season, and am now awaiting the poinsettias for Christmas.
PaintedThread said…
Good luck with the doggie day care.
That's a beautiful sunflower, Angela! Good for you, setting boundaries with customers. That's not easy to do! Happy Thursday!

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