I Like

do you or your family have a favorite holiday movie or show to watch?
What about when you were little? Is there some show or movie you feel
sets the mood or makes you go AWE?

Is there a new show on you plan to watch and we shouldn't miss?

I have a list of holiday movies that I love to watch.
White Christmas  The costumes and music are great.
The Bishop's Wife  Cary Grant is absolutely charming in this.
The Christmas Story I never used to get this movie until I had three sons but now I love it.  The school they go to looks like one in our neighbourhood.
Christmas Vacation  Always good for a giggle even though I am not a big fan of Chevy Chase
It's a Wonderful Life  Sometimes this one is a bit too sad to watch.

We also love to watch:
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
A Charlie Brown Christmas

I am excited to watch the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special which just came out.  That should be fun.  

So many good holiday movies to watch!  Great questions LeeAnna

Pictured above is a kaleidoscope image I have created.  There is no end of fun I can have using Kaleidoscope Kreator.  I would love to create a book full of these images.  Maybe pair them with inspiring quotes.  Actually, I am working on a similar book idea.  I am using kaleidoscopic photographic images that I created in a different fashion.  I got stimied on something and really need to figure out how to fix it.  It is so close to being finished.  


Helen said…
Kaleidoscope images with quotes is a wonderful idea for a book. I'd like to have one of those.
LA Paylor said…
a few movies I haven't seen... yea! dh works at a business that takes the holidays off (you must use your vacay days) so we look forward to lots of movie watching
This has been a fun week to read I Like posts because everyone has mentioned a movie or show I love, but forgot about! We love The Christmas Story, too - boy antics! Pretty kaleidoscope image - is that computer generated?
PaintedThread said…
I love Cary Grant movies. :-) Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special? What a hoot. I'll have to check that out.
Queeniepatch said…
Thank you for the list of Christmas movies. As a child, I used to watch a collection of vintage Disney cartoons in black and white (a Swedish TV tradition at Christmas).
Your kaleidoscope is very cheerful.
Su-sieee! Mac said…
How very cool you’re working on a book! And your idea for another one sounds like it would inspire your audience. Way to go!

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