I Like

 For February 23 2023

what thoughtful things does your special person do for you, or you do for them? Little things that mean something to you... for example brings home flowers, or folds the towels the way you like it, chores or little hugs when you're disappointed, shares secret jokes, watches a movie he knows you'll like just to be nice

When my hubby is being particularly cute and I have asked him to do/for something he answers "As you wish'.  That is how Wesley responds to Princess Buttercup in the movie The Princess Bride.  It is his expression of undying love.  It is terribly sweet of my man!  Makes me love him all the more.  

I like to bring fun to our relationship so when a song comes on that I like we dance.  It makes us both smile.  We dance in the kitchen and Banksy sometimes tries to join us.  It is a bit of cardio and connection. 

I am sure there are plenty of other things we do for each other.  Over the years, we can start to take them for granted.  I don't want to do that.  I always want to let my heart be filled with gratitude.  Not just for the big things but for all the little things that make my life so rich and gorgeous.  

I created another fractal using one of my photos.  I don't like the white and black.  Or maybe it is just the white.  I wish I could figure out how to change that.  I love learning and experimenting.  

Thank you, LeeAnna for the interesting prompt!


LA Paylor said…
oooo we spontaneously dance too. The kitchen floor is very conducive! We met at a contra dance, and also did some ballroom, and zydeco. Love that... and I also love his response so much. My husband seems to need a script so maybe I'll hand that one to him, heh heh.

his response usually is, "in a minute" and mostly he remembers...
It's more the daily ways we show love that mean so much, and we tend to take for granted, which might mean we're secure but would feel good to be acknowledged, think so? I want to start mentioning them to Mr. not afraid of color.
I love that, too, "as you wish!" So fun! Our marriage (and family life) have lots of movie quotes that go along with it, too. Both my husband and our boys love movies, and there are lots of movie conversations between the four of us. You are so right- too often we forget about all the sweet things our guys do for us!
Queeniepatch said…
We have to be grateful for all the little good things that happen to us. We also have to remember to give small tokens of love to people around us. A smile is such a token, a kind word....
PaintedThread said…
"As you wish" I love that!
Angie said…
Angela - my husband and I have a special song by Bruce Springsteen (he is a huge fan) and when it comes on (usually a play list on his Ipod), we come to the kitchen from wherever we are, and we dance to it. Joining you from I Like Thursday this week!

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