I Like

 For March 7 2023

what would you like to have in a dream studio space? Think about layout, cabinetry, tools... Have you ever seen a studio space you wished you had?

Such great questions.  I have seen some absolutely amazing studios that would be a dream come true.  We would have to move for me to be able to have a studio like those.  I am pretty well rooted where I am so that isn't going to happen.  I can certainly be content where I am though.  I am ever so grateful to have the space that I do have.

Pictured above is a space I like.  Well, not the carpet.  I think this looks practical for me but maybe it isn't.  I guess I will never know for sure.  Shelves work well for me and I do have a lot of them.  I tend to pile things rather than file them.  I like clear containers to pile my things into.  

I am a messy creative.  I don't apologize for that.  I like having my things out where I can see them.  I do try to contain that all in my studio but it definitely spills over into my dining room which is right beside the studio.  That nice big table is just aching to be used after all.  I clear it on the weekend when the family is coming for dinner.

I look forward to seeing what LeeAnna and the rest of the I Like gang has to say about studios.  

On another note

It is hard to ask for help but I am going to be brave.  I have launched an Indiegogo campaign for a project that I am really passionate about.  No donation is too small and all are greatly appreciated.  Please consider supporting this public art project that I believe will help to make the world a better place.  

Here's the link

Please share the link with your network to help me get the word out!  The more people that know about it the better.


That is a pretty wall of shelves and I like the table coming out from it! I, too, love the space I have and don't feel too bad about leaving it messy. More storage is always good, though!
Angie said…
Angela - thanks for visiting my blog. I laughed when I read your post and about "spilling over into the dining room". My husband jokingly complains about how I have a different craft project in every room of the house!

Good luck with your project - I hope you get the donations you need. I will take a look at it this week!
PaintedThread said…
"Messy creative." I like that. Good luck with indiegogo!
Cloudia said…
Gosh, so many wonderful projects will be accomplished there! Best wishes to you, princess

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